Rise not recognising that learning is complete

Mar 04, 2024

Hi, We have had a student comment that despite completing the lessons in Rise, Rise is not remembering that she completed these lessons. I also had this happen to me while I was a student on another Rise module. Do you know why this is happening and how we can correct it? It appears to show in SCORM that the learning is complete but not to the student.

4 Replies
Karl Muller

Hi  Nicola,

When you receive an email that someone has replied to your post, I recommend that you select the VIEW button and not REPLY.

If you select REPLY (by email) as you have done, your entire email signature is posted to the public forum including all your contact information. Suggest that you edit your post and remove that info.


Jose Tansengco

Hi Nicola, 

Happy to help!

We recommend testing the affected course in a different LMS to see if the behavior you're experiencing is LMS-specific. You can use SCORM Cloud for this test. If you can replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, please open a case with our support team here so we can send you instructions on how you can share your course with us for troubleshooting.