Rise - not resetting to o% in LMS

Jan 17, 2017

Is anyone else encountering the problem of a Rise course not resetting to 0% completion when relaunched in an LMS?

I load the course and it loads as 100% completed. I don't see any settings that would allow to set how I would like a relaunch to occur. Any assistance would be appreciated.

(I am assuming this may be the source of the course not tracking progress within the LMS also.)



14 Replies
Justin Grenier

Good Morning, D!

At the moment, a re-launched Rise course will always reach out to the LMS and ask for the suspend data needed to resume the learner's previous attempt at the course (in contrast to Storyline, where you have a few other options).

Some Learning Management Systems have features that will allow you to force a new attempt on the learner after completion, thereby declining to provide the suspend data needed to resume.

We'll evaluate additional resume features in the future, and we'd invite you to share your input here!

Justin Grenier

I posted my reply too soon, D!

You also said that the course isn't tracking progress within the LMS, and I'd expect that to happen when resuming the course post-completion, since there won't be additional progress to track.

Can you clarify if you are also running into tracking problems prior to completion, and if so, what specific issues you're seeing?

Donna   Gingera

What I have now discovered through analysis is that my Rise courses ARE functioning properly if I export using the main screen (the screen where all your courses are showing).

If I export when I am actually in a specific Rise course I encounter problems, such as audio not playing completely, completion of courses not tracking properly, LMS not resetting to 0% on relaunch.

Justin Grenier

Thanks for reporting those additional details, D!

I think we're going to want to take a closer look at your Rise course, and I see that you've opened Case # 991417 and are working with Miker on that.  I'm going to update him with the additional details you've shared here and we'll dig in to investigate.

Leslie McKerchie

Hello Siew and welcome to E-Learning Heroes :)

Currently, Rise courses are set to always resume. This means that when a user relaunches the Rise course, it will resume to their last viewed state.  If the user has completed the course, it will also remain completed and this is currently by design. 

We are tracking a feature request to allow a prompt to resume setting, similar to what is available within Storyline. I will add this conversation to that report so that we can update you here when we can.

myAko  Limited

Hi, we've had a similar sounding problem. We replaced a course with a new version (because the old version wasn't set up properly to have learners reset after a fail) but when the previous learners have accessed the course they are still being taken to the old version. Is this something my LMS provider should be forcing a fix on?

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Lynsey,

While we don't have a public roadmap for Rise 360 features, sharing your ideas in E-Learning Heroes is a major source of input in the feature request process. Ultimately our goal is to give you the best information we can about upcoming features so that you can plan ahead for your projects.

Thanks for letting us know a prompt to resume feature would be beneficial for you. I'll add your voice to that request!