Rise Quiz Reporting from LMS (Workday) Duplicate Responses

Dec 21, 2023

So I have a 9 question quiz block in Rise that I am exporting, and when I pull the results I have people that have 9,18,27, and 36 responses. I assume this is duplicating somehow, but I am not sure how this is happening. It is counting the correct answers perfectly, but I need to remove the duplicates.

Any help would be appreciated! 

3 Replies
Eric Santos

Hello Edward!

I'm sorry you've hit this snag with quiz reporting in your LMS! Have you tried testing your course in a different LMS to confirm if the behavior you're experiencing is specific to your LMS? SCORM Cloud is a great environment that you can use for this purpose. Here's how to test your course on this platform: 

If it works at SCORM Cloud, I recommend opening a support case with your LMS provider, Workday, to troubleshoot the issue. 

If you can replicate the behavior in SCORM Cloud, could I have you connect with us in a case so we can determine what's happening? We'll reach out soon after we hear from you!