Rise SCORM Course and SAP LMS

Jan 18, 2018


We have an external vendor creating courses using Rise and we are to host it on our OLD SAP LMS, I have uploaded a SCORM 1.2 package provided by the vendor in SAP, this course contains videos too(mp4 format).

When ever i launch the course it runs well except the videos. The video screen shows the following error

"The media could not be loaded, either because the server or network failed or because the format is not supported."

We tried the course on Win10 in latest Chrome and IE 11 and Edge, but the videos never play giving the above error.

When i run this on win 7 machine with IE11 (Edge/10 compatibility via emulation in Dev console) the video works!


Please help as the videos should work on latest browsers!

11 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Suraj! Happy to help you here. 

First, let's test your Rise course outside of the learning management system. Open the Rise course, and click the Share button at the top of the page. Copy the Share link, and paste it into several Windows 10 browsers.

Do you still run into the video error message when viewing the Share link? Keep me posted!

Jamie Drury

Hi Ashley, I am able to view the content in the same browser outside of the LMS. And, in fact, it is not an issue for all users. Some can see the all videos, some can see most, and some can see none. This is across multiple browsers (meaning each user gets consistent results on various browsers). I was able to split the course into two courses to make the file size smaller and that seemed to do the trick. However, that was a quick fix and I hope to not have to split out all of my content. Have any other users experienced this? Thanks!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jamie, 

Sorry to hear you're still struggling with this. If it's working for some users, that's a good sign though. It narrows it down to the individual users set up, so that they may need to look at the privacy or browser settings to allow these videos. I'd defer to your IT team for more help on this! 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Jamie, 

Rise does not have a size limitation for a published course. How large was your course prior to splitting it?

If the videos are working through the Share link for all users, and through the LMS for some users, it does still point to something in the LMS or the individual browsers as a Rise issue would be impacting all the users. Perhaps some user browsers are having difficulty loading a larger version of the course, which is why your split up course behaved better? 

Another option is to test the larger course in SCORM Cloud to see how it behaves there for your users. That would narrow the possible cause and isolate it to the LMS, browser, or perhaps individual user. 

Surj Moray

Sorry for late reply and thanks for suggesting this step. We did test it on SCORM cloud it works fine there. With a little investigation on our end, we found that SAP LMS doesnot support mp4 mime type hence streaming of the videos was not possible. 

As a wrok around we hosted it on SCORM cloud and created a weblink course in SAP. that worked for us. :)

Jan Vilbrandt

We are running into the same troubles with Storyline 3 courses and the SAP LSO.

At the moment I am at the point where I have found out, that SAP deliveres the mp4 file as .mpeg file (extension .mpeg) to the Chrome browser. It will be delivered correctly a mp4 to the Internet Explorer 11. This leeds to the 404 file not found error you have encountered.

We encounter more problems with mp3 and svg-graphics and different courses from different tools (like Storyline, Captivate....).

SAP LSO does not know modern mime types like mp4.

I am not finished with this and will report, when I found out more.