Storyline Block and LMS Tracking Error

May 17, 2019

I am trying to use a Storyline block as the trigger for tracking in a Rise course but am getting a "critical error" message from the LMS saying there is mixed content SCORM, AICC, xAPI and that isn't allowed. Before adding this Storyline block the course loaded and played fine. Obviously I'm missing something but can't see where this mixed content is coming from. I tried publishing the Rise course in both SCORM 1.2 and 2004 4th edition. Both failed.

See the screen shot. LMS is Cornerstone.


3 Replies
Allison LaMotte

Hi Brett,

We're currently looking into this issue. I've tagged this discussion so I can update you with any changes!

In the meantime, Steve's workaround will help you upload your content in LMSs that are picking up on the tincan.xml file in your Rise 360 output. Thanks again for sharing, Steve!

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Crystal Horn

Hey Brett. I'm excited to let you know that we just released update 29 for Storyline 360! Here are all the details.

One of the fixes addresses an issue where a Tin Can file was showing up in Rise 360 courses that included a Storyline block, causing errors when uploading SCORM packages to your LMS.

Here’s how you can update Storyline 360. After updating, please republish your Storyline project to Review 360 as HTML5-only, and reinsert your Storyline block in Rise 360. Let me know how you make out!

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