Upload failure with SAP SuccessFactors - SOS!

May 10, 2019

All, I have published/exported/uploaded/assigned many courses using Rise in my current role. Recently, I started experiencing an upload failure when importing new content into SuccessFactors. We have tried everything, including working with SAP directly. Everyone is stumped! I am doing things the way I always have, settings and file formats are the same, etc. 

Does anyone have any xp with SAP SF and this issue? I know this isn't the forum, but I am using the Rise product like always and am getting desperate! 

6 Replies
Crystal Horn

Hi Drew. Thanks for reaching out! Is SuccessFactors giving you an error message when you attempt to upload your package?

We're happy to help you troubleshoot, as well. If you can share your exported package with us, we'll see how it performs in an LMS testing environment. You can use this link to share it privately, and we'll delete it when we're done.

Alyssa Gomez

Hey, Melissa! 

Tell us more about what's going on—we'd love to help! Are you running into a particular error message?

Is this an issue that you are able to reproduce when testing in SCORM Cloud? This will help determine if the issue lies within your LMS or the actual project file. We're happy to help you test that if you want to share your published output file here. 

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Miguel! It sounds like you're seeing an error message when you upload your LMS output file to SuccessFactors LMS, is that right?

I would recommend contacting your LMS administrator since they'll be best equipped to troubleshoot this kind of issue. In the meantime, you can test the LMS output file on SCORM Cloud to be sure that it works in another LMS environment. We can help you with that testing if you'd like to share your file privately here!

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