30 Replies
Tim St. Clair

Right click on the answer / response you want to edit and choose 'Inspect' (wording might vary based on your browser).

In the web inspector window, it should have selected the paragraph text representing the answer. Right click this text and choose 'Edit html' or similar (again, different browsers have different wording here).

Then you can add an image "tag" with the source pointing to the image (online) that you want to use.

If you want to embed the image (not have it hot linked) you would have to first encode the image to "base64" and insert it as a data source. To do that, use a service like https://www.base64-encode.com/image-to-base64 to encode your image to a bit horrible-looking string and paste that in as the "src" of the image tag.

That's about it. You can use this trick anywhere you can normally format text.