VTT captions: only first line showing

Oct 09, 2023


I have manually made a vtt caption and uploaded it to a video in Rise. Strangely only the first line is shown on the video, anything else is not. 

Here's the code, perhaps someone can spot a mistake. (Since the official Articulate tutorial on captions doesn't spill all the knowledge needed, I used a tutorial from Microsoft).

----- these are my captions -----


00:00:01.000 --> 00:00:03.000
In diesem Web-Based-Training, oder WBT,

00:00:03:010 --> 00:00:09:000
werden wir dir ein allgemeines Rahmenmodell
der Motivation mit den wichtigsten Aspekten vorstellen.

00:00:10:000 --> 00:00:14:000
Das Modell vor uns sieht jetzt vielleicht etwas kompliziert aus.

00:00:14:010 --> 00:00:20:000
Wir beginnen deshalb schön von Beginn an und
gehen der Reihe nach die einzelnen Elemente durch.

---- end of captions ----

3 Replies
Luka Peters

@Phil: Thank you for your answer. Actually I wanted to avoid Storyline. I have read the workflow in other discussion threads and it didn't seem to be less work to me.

I don't exactly understand, how I should remove the colon before the trailing 000, since if I do so the time format isn't correct anymore. Do you have an example of how this could look like?