XLF Version 2.1.

Jun 09, 2023

I have subscribed to the Advance version of DeepL as a translating tool. DeepL requires an XLF 2.1. version for translation but Rise 360 only export in version 1.2.

Has anyone been able to solve the problem when exporting for translation?

Can Articulate update Rise export XLF files for translation to a 2.1. version?


40 Replies
Thor Melicher

While we wait to hear back from Articulate, I have a solution available now that uses DeepL to translate Rise 360 XLIFF 1.2 files.  Not much will change what you do now (ok, maybe saving those extra work/hours!) - export the XLIFF from Rise 360, use the solution to make the translation, and then import back into Rise 360.  The solution also supports Storyline courses, too.

If you would like more information, please let me know by either a private message or reach out to me on LinkedIn (usually the best as sometimes I don't get private messages from the forums).


Jennifer Philippe

Am I correct that per David's post, there is no functioning workaround? We are also using DeepL. 

Sorry for the confusion. Apparently the offered workaround does not work with Rise XLIFFs since the structure is simply not like normal XLIFF files.

My fault, I hadn't tested properly.

Angelo Cruz

Hello Caroline! I've been using SmartCat as well to translate my courses.

In my experience, if the translated file is taking forever to load, there might be an issue with the application, your network, or the translated file.

I usually try the following steps to try and fix the issue:

1. Clear your browser's cache
2. Use a different supported browser
3. Generate a new copy of the xlf file

Let us know if you continue to encounter the same issue when importing your translated file. 

Marine LWL

Hello SL staff,

We'd like to have Storyline and Rise xliff formats updated too. We are currently manually translating our home-made courses and it takes forever.

Accessing to IA translation via DeepL or similar is a must nowadays !

Please take this one level higher on your priority list 👍

Cheers for your great apps !!



+1 to have a clean XLIFF in the good version to translate it with DEEPL.

ACOLAD company developped an interface similar to DEEPL that translate Articulate XLIFF. I tested it with Rise XLIFF and it's work well. You must contact an Acolad contact to have access to the application because it's not available from website. https://www.acolad.com/fr.html

DEEPL good points : Intuitive, respect RGPD, no to expensive => very important criteria because people using RISE are business expert and not IT expert nor instructional designer. And it is the target of Rise and argument. Then XLIFF extrated from RISE must work in a tool dedicated to this same target (intuitive too) => ACOLAD have similar propreties.

An other solution for Articulate could be : propose an add on to connect Deepl API key to Articulate account to propose the translation uploaded in RISE directly.

The structure of the XLIFF from Articulate is not terrible : according to my IT, there is no <closing tag>. You know the tag is closed when you see the next <opening tag>.

Hope Articulate will be able to give us a planning for the upgrade as soon as possible !


Shawn Connelly

Greetings all, 

I am new to Articulate Rise 360 and so far, I am not liking what I am seeing. :( 

I am a consultant and I was asked to build Rise 360 training for a new initiative. But so far, two of the important requires that I was asked to solve are:
1. Hand the business the source files so that in the future, they can potentially hand the files to a new team for editing. - I don't think this fundamental ability is available in Rise 360!

2. Localize the training in multiple languages. But now I learn that Rise 360 exports to a nearly 10-year old xlf 1.2 specification. :(  And translation tools like DeepL require xlf 2.1, which is a  fundamentally different spec. 

Judging by other requests, it appears that Articulate won't update their output anytime soon. 


But I may be able to help the community. A few years back, I created an xlf parser which I may be able to modify as a bi-directional converter.

The caveat is that I say this without knowing anything about the Articulate implementation of xlf 1.2. Additionally, while it's relatively trivial to convert 1.2 to 2.1, there are no equivalent elements when converting back to 1.2 for import into Articulate. Therefore, it is possible to encounter data loss. 

If I was able to accomplish this task, such an application auto-sense the xlf version then automatically convert one or more files to the other format. At some future point, it would be cool to understand DeepL's API endpoints and perform direct translations... saving another step. But that just a distant future thought. 

I'm just thinking out loud right now, but I am curious if others might be interested if I proceed with such an endeavour. I'd do it for free as my introduction to this community. :) 

Jerry Engstrom

It is utterly unacceptable that Rise and Storyline can't output to XLIFF 2.1 for two reasons:

  1. It's almost 2024 and XLIFF was released in February of 2008; XLIFF 2.1 was released February 2018 - almost 6 years ago.
  2. XLIFF 1.2 is no longer maintained by the OASIS Technical Committee.

Please be sure to prioritise this update to Articulate software.