Anna Barsk Holmbom
Anna Barsk Holmbom
Vice president at ABH Utbildning och Rådgivning
Anna Barsk Holmbom started a new discussion Change story size
"Help! I tried to flip a inserted video like shown in this video,, succeeded but - no... Now every aspect in t..."
  • over 6 years ago04/07/18 at 10:27 am (UTC)
Anna Barsk Holmbom started a new discussion Open a bureau?
"Hi, I would like to show a bureau with "secrets" (layers) in it. When you click at one of the drawers I want it to shown as open and a l..."
  • over 6 years ago03/29/18 at 1:26 pm (UTC)
Anna Barsk Holmbom started a new discussion How can I enlarge?
"Hi everyone, Somehow I succeeded to shrink everything into tiny, tiny pictures and texts. It´s not the storyboard but everything else. I..."
  • over 6 years ago03/08/18 at 7:56 pm (UTC)
Anna Barsk Holmbom started a new discussion Trigger button and timeline
"Hi everyone, Do you know a way to make the timeline sleep when a person hits a trigger button and visit a webpage for a while? It´s a pr..."
  • over 8 years ago03/28/16 at 10:11 am (UTC)
Anna Barsk Holmbom started a new discussion Adding sound to a state
"Hi everyone! I´m trying to figure out how to add sound to a state. Can someone please help me out? I have a slide where my caracter say ..."
  • over 10 years ago02/08/14 at 1:37 am (UTC)