Burnette Vidal
Burnette Vidal
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion embedding a PDF that can be emailed
"I would like to embed a PDF document that is fillable and can be emailed from within the Rise module using a PDF button tool. Is th..."
  • over 2 years ago08/18/21 at 2:25 am (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Survey in Rise 360
"Can I embed a link to a Microsoft Forms survey into my Rise 360 course so the learner can complete the survey...and the results of the su..."
  • almost 5 years ago07/31/19 at 8:35 pm (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Quiz and Suvey in one cours
"Is it possible to build a course with a quiz and survey in the course.  I want to track quiz results and survey results.  Possible?"
  • almost 9 years ago07/27/15 at 2:36 pm (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Quiz and Survey in one course? How do I do that?!
"Some auditors are requiring that a survey be completed for every course.  So within a course I have created content, followed by a quiz, ..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/24/15 at 5:12 pm (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Video with caption layers
"I have recorded a screen cast video.  I've created 5 layers, each containing 1 caption bubble with a message.  I want each caption bubble..."
  • almost 9 years ago07/01/15 at 6:11 pm (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Importing questions from a file
"How do you import questions from a file?  In what file format do the questions need to be created?"
  • 9 years ago04/09/15 at 1:14 pm (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Partial Credit
"I have just created a test.  For a multiple choice question, where the learner has to select all of the correct answers, how can I give p..."
  • over 9 years ago12/02/14 at 7:06 pm (UTC)
Burnette Vidal started a new discussion Can you remove the menu side bar?
"I created a test in Articulate Storyline and have published it for use in our LMS. Is it possible to remove the "MENU" side bar, so that ..."
  • over 9 years ago10/15/14 at 1:17 pm (UTC)