Chris Foster
Chris Foster
Learning Content Developer
"Hi all, I built this as part of a course about company culture I worked on a couple years ago. It started out as a simple drag &..."
  • over 3 years ago12/11/20 at 3:42 pm (UTC)
Chris Foster started a new discussion Workplace Burnout Calculator
"Hi! This calculator was made using Storyline for a Workplace Burnout course that I built in Rise. The results can be printed which I..."
  • over 3 years ago12/09/20 at 9:21 am (UTC)
Chris Foster started a new discussion Interactive Bookcase Activity
"Hi all, I built this for a GDPR course. I was trying very hard to keep learners interested in what is an inherently boring subject m..."
  • over 3 years ago12/08/20 at 6:41 pm (UTC)
Chris Foster started a new discussion Review 360 & Chrome issue?
"Hi all, I hope this is the right place to ask - yesterday my published courses stopped displaying correctly when using Chrome to view. ..."
  • over 5 years ago02/19/19 at 9:59 am (UTC)