Pollux Chen
Pollux Chen
Pollux Chen started a new discussion Convert Text variable to number
"I need to convert the value of a text variable from a Text Entry (variable name: KeyedText) to number, pass it to a number variable (name..."
  • over 4 years ago02/21/20 at 8:44 pm (UTC)
"I would like to have my trainees select which scenario they are in, then direct them to two quiz settings: 1. Senario A: take questi..."
  • over 5 years ago01/25/19 at 8:36 pm (UTC)
Pollux Chen started a new discussion Add code to track completion of Rise course
"Hi community peers, my team would like to add some code tracking the start and completion of Rise course (not hosted on LMS). Starting co..."
  • over 5 years ago12/12/18 at 9:19 am (UTC)
"For any Storyline360 course, once users switch to other browser tabs the audio playing (and slide timeline) would pause until they switch..."
  • over 5 years ago12/05/18 at 12:20 am (UTC)
"I created a navigation map in lightbox, to users simply click the links in it then jump to various chapters in the course. However, the c..."
  • over 6 years ago04/05/18 at 4:30 pm (UTC)
Pollux Chen started a new discussion Apply quiz templates to multiple response questions
"I just wonder how I can apply nice looking quiz templates to multiple response questions - all templates are for multiple choice and drag..."
  • over 6 years ago03/30/18 at 9:48 pm (UTC)
Pollux Chen started a new discussion Translate variables to different images
"Hi all,  For gamification purpose I would like to personalize images according to certain variables (for example result of a quiz) - for..."
  • over 6 years ago03/09/18 at 9:06 am (UTC)