Sponge UK
Sponge UK
Sponge UK started a new discussion Will 'Deprecating the unload event' have an impact?
"Hi, A client sent us the information below as they thought it may cause issues when using Rise modules. Not being from a tech back..."
  • 2 months ago06/06/24 at 9:30 am (UTC)
Sponge UK replied to the discussion Flash card size change?
"Yep same here. VERY annoying!"
  • over 1 year ago10/28/22 at 10:26 am (UTC)
Sponge UK replied to the discussion Remove "http://" from url link
"Was this issue resolved as I am having the same issue?"
  • over 2 years ago03/17/22 at 2:56 pm (UTC)
Sponge UK started a new discussion Hyperlinks to specific blocks within a module
"I am building a glossary in Rise with a section for each letter of the alphabet. Some definitions have 'related terms'. I'd like to be ab..."
  • 4 years ago06/17/20 at 11:44 am (UTC)
Sponge UK started a new discussion Storyline 2 Hover state sticking on Chrome
"When hovering on a page element with a hover state, the hover background is showing and then not returning to orginal state on mouse leav..."
  • over 4 years ago10/30/19 at 11:38 am (UTC)
Sponge UK started a new discussion Rise hyperlinks
"I am trying to find a way to branch out to different lessons from within the marker card on a labelled graphic. I know I can u..."
  • 5 years ago05/29/19 at 2:41 pm (UTC)