Articulate 360 Font Issues

Dec 09, 2016


When I open a Presenter 13 file and re-publish with 360 the typeface/font formatting changes and condenses.

I am using Power Point 13 and have tried a few different common True-Type Fonts.

Any ideas why?

78 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dennis,

I'm really sorry you've run into this and it's such a headache. These font issues have been tricky for our team to track down, especially when in cases like TJs we couldn't replicate it. We do have it reported as a possible software bug and they're digging into the behavior and differences in what users are seeing - so we'd love to take a look at one of your course examples too. Can you upload a copy to our Support Engineers here and include a link to this discussion? I'm also going to meet with the team to discuss next steps around this and I'll let you know as soon as I can once we've got a fix in place or any additional updates. 

Thanks again for letting us know, and I'm sorry this issue is slowing you down. 

Jared Schaeffer

Hi guys,

Seems like this issue has been around. I updated one of my courses today and have had the same issue with the text condensing, in preview and when published. Was wondering if there is any update on a fix for this?

One note, and not sure if this will help in finding a fix. I created a brand new course and previewed it with Font spacing normal. This produced the error we seem to all have. I switched the font to Loose spacing and previewed which the font looked correct, had loose spacing. I switched the font once again to tight spacing and previewed which the font again looked correct, had tight spacing. The odd thing that I saw in this test is that normal spacing showed tighter than the tight setting when previewing. Hope this helps with finding a resolution.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi All,

Thanks for your continued examples and information on this issue. Our team has continued to investigate and I wanted to share an update from my colleague Simon that he posted in this other discussion. 

Please feel free to let us know if you have any other questions on this issue or anything else we can assist with. 

Jared Schaeffer

TJ, yeah it is really strange what 360 is doing with fonts. I have never had this issue with any other program I have used. To make it even crazier it is only happening with Presenter. My Storyline 360 is working fine.

Ashley, thank you for the link to Simon's post. Although Simon was only talking about a fix for Storyline. I may have missed something in his post, is the fix he is talking about going to be implemented in Presenter as well?

Jared Schaeffer

I may have a fix/work around for everyone having this issue. I switched my Display settings and now everything is publishing correctly. The issue is with the Windows feature that enlarges text for easier reading. Here is what I did to fix this:

1. Right Click on your Desktop and select Screen Resolution

2. Click the "Make text and other items larger or smaller" item in the list of blue links

3. Select "Smaller - 100%" and click Apply

4. This requires you to log off and log back on.

Once logged back on you should be able to publish with no issues with text crowding. Let me know if this works for everyone.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Thanks Jared for those steps! We do recommend using that DPI/resolution setting, but I haven't seen it impact slide text when previewing/publishing before! In the scenarios I've seen it was changing the way the Storyline interface worked and behaved. 

It's good insight that I'll share with my team as we continue to look at the font issues! 

Bill Boyd

I have the same TTF issues as well. By chance I found a workaround that worked for me. If I put an outline on all the text (doesn't matter what color) and assign a 100% transparency to that out line, then the font issue is taken care of. That worked for bold, italic and underlined text. Don't know if that will work for others having that issue, but would like to know if it does.

jessica leeman

I've had this same issue since upgrading to 360 and this was the only solution that has worked!! We couldn't figure out why it would preview and publish correctly on a peer's computer and not on mine until I found this solution and tried it; her resolution was set to 100% while mine reflected 125%. Thanks, Jared!

Leslie McKerchie

Great news!  Another update for Articulate 360 is now available.  It includes a few important fixes and new features that you'll see in the release notes here.  

The item you may be interested in is:  

Character spacing was inconsistent when previewing and publishing on computers with DPI settings over 100%.

Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Debbie Thompson

I'm having problems with my font after my Storyline 360 course is published. I'm using Arial style font, size 14, and it looks good in Chrome, but the formatting changes and looks bad in IE. I've read through some of the fixes and I don't see this one listed. Does anyone know how I can fix this? 

Thank you


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