Articulate Presenter '13 XSS vulnerability reported by HR Fortify software scan

May 27, 2016

We have generated articulate presentations using Presenter '13.

We use the HP Fortify software to security scan the software, and we are getting a "Critical Cross Site Scripting" violation in a file that is generated by Articulate Presenter.  The file is presenation.js, line 1757
anchorSource.href = window.location;

Can you please advise of the best way to fix this issue?  Do you have an updated version that generates a presentation.js that does not have this reported vulnerability?

The whole function is:
function UseXDomainRequest(strUrl)
    var bResult = false;
 if (IE)
  var xmlHttp = CreateXmlHttp();
  var anchorDest = (document.createElement("a"));
  var anchorSource = (document.createElement("a"));
  anchorDest.href = strUrl;
  anchorSource.href = window.location;

  bResult = (anchorDest.hostname != anchorSource.hostname || anchorDest.protocol != anchorSource.protocol || anchorDest.port != anchorSource.port);
 return bResult;

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