Generate wmv or convert to wmv for use as a Webinar

Sep 19, 2011

Hello all,

I need to export an Articulate training as a wmv (or any other video format) so that it can be launched/watched as a Webinar. I have seached all over and tried a few things but cannot figure this out. Does anyone know how this can be achieved? Basically, I need a single video file of a complete presenter course.

Thank you!

4 Replies
Brian Batt

Hi Emre & welcome to Heroes,

If your Articulate content does not include interactive elements (such as quizzes or user-initiated navigation), you can record your Articulate content as it plays, using a screencasting tool like Screenr (, to capture a video of your Articulate content.  Screenr screencasts can be viewed on iPads and iPhones directly from the Screenr website.  There are also options to publish your Screenr screencasts to YouTube and to download MP4 versions of your screencasts, both of which also play on non-Flash devices.

For additional ideas regarding mobile learning, we recommend reviewing the following Rapid E-Learning Blog post:

Another solution is here:

Emre Akkas

Hello Brian,

Thanks for the response and the suggestion. That's exactly what I ended up doing using camstudio, however, this method is not all that intuitive especially since the total time of the training is more than 5 hours. That means a machine has to be locked up for this purpose, it has to have a larger screen with higher resolution (most laptops today are 1366x768 where you can't do a 1024x768 recording) the end file has to be QAd again etc.

I wish Articulate had an option to export a video file (like the Podcast export option)...

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