Gifs Animation Not Working on Published Pesentation

Sep 23, 2014

Hello Everyone,

two days ago, I updated Presenter '13 to the newest update #4. I republished my presentations and now the animations in the published presentations are not showing the animation. Now the animated gif images are static - no movement at all.

Has anyone encountered this problem?

Is there a fix for this issue?

3 Replies
Sedgwick Hines

Hello Leslie,

OK, I republished the presentation after updating the PPT to PPTX (the newer version of PowerPoint). The gif animations work fine when I preview the published presentation(Lesson).

However, I forgot to mention that when I upload the presentation to Amazon S3 and then look at the published presentation via my Word Press blog, the gif animations in the presentation are static - none of the animations move..

Do you know of any conflicting issues with Amazon S3 and/or Word Press?

Thanks for your help.

Leslie McKerchie

Hi Sedgwick!

Does the content work within Amazon S3 prior to loading into WordPress?

Another great test would be Tempshare:This is a freeservice provided by Articulate for testing content. It's only a temporary solution for hosting content.Uploaded files will be deleted after 10 days.

If your content works in this environment, you would need to look to WordPress for any further assistance.

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