Is the "Quiz Data Sent to an LMS in Articulate Storyline" the same in Articulate Presenter? If not, what is sent to the LMS?

Apr 09, 2015

Quiz Data Sent to an LMS in Articulate Storyline
The following information is communicated to learning management systems (LMSs) by Articulate Storyline SCORM and AICC content:

id: Storyline sends a series of data for this string to identify the Scene#, the QuestionDraw# (if applicable), and the Slide# in that particular scene or question draw.
type: This is the type of question (True/False, Multiple Choice, Multiple Response, etc).
student_response: This is how the learner answered the question.
correct_response: This is the correct answer for the question.
result: This designates whether the learner answered the question correctly or not.
weighting: Articulate content doesn't currently utilize this item. It'll always be set to 1.
latency: This is how long it took the learner to answer the question.
objective: Articulate content doesn't currently utilize this item. It'll always be set to 0.
Tip: To send question text to your LMS, publish for SCORM 2004 or Tin Can API (also called Experience API).

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