issue with opening LMS published course

Aug 15, 2017

Hi, I recently published a Studio 360 LMS course for someone and after she uploaded the zip file the course did not open properly.  She checked on another computer with Windows 10 and went through Chrome to see if it was a capability issues and it opened. It works on Chrome and the newest internet explorer. Majority of her company is still on Windows 7.  Question I have is can is change a publishing setting to fix this?

thanks, Shawn

3 Replies
Ali Goulet

Hey Shawn!

Sorry that's happening-- lets get to the bottom of it!

Is your colleague uploading the published output to an LMS before viewing it?

If you view a Studio 360 course on your local hard drive (or send it to others to view on their local hard drives), you'll encounter security restrictions from the computer, web browser, Flash Player, and network that can cause various features of the course to fail. This can vary from machine to machine.

A great way to test out LMS courses is by using SCORM Cloud. You can sign up for a free account and upload content for testing purposes. 

If your colleague is uploading to an LMS and seeing that happen- I'd still recommend testing it out in SCORM Cloud too. That'll give us an idea of whether it's file related or something happening within your LMS.

Let me know how that goes!

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