Making sure the end users click on the link...

Jul 11, 2011

I am working on an Articulate based e-learning module and we need to make sure the end users click on certain imbeded hyperlinks (i.e. policy and procedures on the Intranet) before they proceed.

Is there an elegant way of doing it? Your help is greatly appreciated!

1 Reply
onEnterFrame (James Kingsley)

Slide A: Make a slide with a button or link that seems to go to your policy. In reality it goes to the next slide (slide B) which is an exact duplicate of Slide A. 

Lock Slide A so the only way to advance is to click the button/link.

On Slide B place an Articulate web object that opens your policy in a new window.

Set Slide B's branching so that the previous is what ever was before slide A.

Hide slide B in Articulate's Slide Properties. 

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