Narration & Playlist problem

Oct 31, 2011

 I have added a background music playlist to all my slides ...easy peasy! The problem is when I record the narration I can hardly hear the narration at all. I have already adjust the "volume relative to narration" percentage way down ...but that adjustment does not seem to be making a difference. Any advise?

14 Replies
tammy dahlen

sad face :( no ...didn't work. It seems that no matter what percentage I put into the "volume relative to narration" ...the music volume stays the same. Does it make a difference if I record narration before adding the playlist? Also, I noticed when I open Audio Editor only shows narration sound wave ...not the play list. hmmm...maybe there is a way I can just adjust the narration volume way up without it affecting the music track?

Peter Anderson

Well, for a Halloween Monday, this is certainly turning out to be more trick than treat. Sorry about that.

We'd better take a closer look at your files. If you'd like to send a zipped package to us, we'd be happy to look under the hood and get back to you with a resolution as quickly as we can. Here's where you'll find the directions:

Again, sorry for the inconvenience, but we'll get back to you soon. Thanks, and good luck with the rest of the project!

Robert Kennedy

Tammy, did you look at the audio levels in the Audio Editor?  If the audio source is low in the first place, you might consider bumping up the volume in there.  

Your other problem might be that you are talking at a normal level but your mic input may be set pretty low.  You will need to go in to your recording options to check that out.  If you have a little speaker icon in the lower right of your desktop, right click on that and the choose Recording Options.  You should be able to go in there and see what you recording level is set at. 

Let us know what the outcome is.

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