Powerpoint Visual Basic Calculator

Aug 16, 2011

Forgive me if someone has answered this before:

I have created a fairly simple payment calculator in powerpoint using visual basic.  The user clicks an up or down arrow to increase down payment, lease term, etc and when those fields change a vb function is called that updates the resulting monthly payment.  When viewed in a ppt slideshow it works great, but when published to web in articulate, clicking on the arrows do nothing.  It seems the vb functions aren't getting called.

Does articulate support what I'm trying to do?  If so, any guess as to what I might be doing wrong?  

Before someone suggests creating my calculator in Flash, understand that I don't know much actionscript at all.  Also I've seen people suggest inserting a web object to an excel, javascript or flash, but what if I need my training to run off a laptop in case the presenter is in a location where they have no internet access?

4 Replies
Aaron  Olson

Thanks for the response Brett.

As you can tell, I'm pretty new to Articulate.  I tried inserting a web object but wasn't having much luck.  I ended up creating the calculator in Flash and inserting the flash movie in my powerpoint and then publishing.  I guess I overestimated how difficult it would be to do in actionscript.

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