Publishing to LMS using Studio 360

Feb 26, 2018


I am trying to publish to LMS, however, I keep getting an error message.

The process starts without a problem, however, once it gets to the "cleaning temporary files" stage the error message populates.

Any advice would be greatly received.

Thank you,




5 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

Hi Janine! I'm happy to help you sort this out.

First, are you trying to publish a Presenter file to LMS? If so, are you on the latest update of Presenter 360? 

Also, be sure you're also working from your local hard drive. Working from a shared network drive can cause issues, so working locally is your best bet.

If you're already on the latest update and working locally, try publishing a brand new Presenter 360 file (with no content) to LMS. Does it publish successfully, or do you run into the same error message?

Janine Coupe

Hi Alyssa,

Thank you for getting back to me.

I think I am on the most recent version and I am working locally.

I have tried your suggestion of using a file with no content and I get the same error. I have put a screenshot below.


Do you have any further suggestions on how to rectify this?

Kind regards,



Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

I'm sorry to hear you're still having such trouble, Janine. The error message image you shared didn't come through - as it looks like you responded via email. If you're able to share that here by uploading using the Add Attachment or the Insert image icon, we can take a look. 

It may be best to work with our Support Engineers as well, that way they can take a look at your particular system and how it's set up.

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