SWF File Error

Sep 11, 2014

Hi all,

I am trying to import a Flash video file in Presenter.. I've uploaded Flash files many times before and never had this issue. I keep getting an error report every time I try and import the file.

I upload them by clicking Articulate tab/Flash/Add flash from File - and I'm getting an error

I have also tried the Video tab - and the same error occurs

I have tested the Flash files and they are all functioning properly outside of this program.

I have checked and I have no available updates to install and I've re-booted my computer several times.

Does anyone have any insight?

15 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Sarah! I've seen this error before indicate file corruption. Are you able to insert this same file in a new presentation? If so, you may just need to start a new project. In case this is a project that you've been working on, here's how you can reuse those slides so you don't have to start all over:

You may be able to resolve PowerPoint file corruption in this manner:

  1. Open a new, blank presentation in PowerPoint.
  2. Go to the Home tab, click the drop-down arrow beside New Slide, and choose Reuse Slides.
  3. In the Reuse Slides panel, click the Browse button and choose Browse File.
  4. Browse to your original PowerPoint file and click Open.
  5. At the bottom of the Reuse Slides panel, mark the box to Keep source formatting.
  6. Right-click the first slide in the Reuse Slides panel and select Insert All Slides.
  7. Save the new presentation and republish.

Note: Articulate resources, such as audio and video, will need to be inserted again into the new presentation. You may need to export the narration from your original presentation, then import it into the new presentation.

Kusheel Pathak

Hi Ashley,

I did check the links you shared, my flash file complies with all the settings required as per the 'Flash Best Practices'.

Articulate Presenter 13 just pops up an error while importing the flash file.

I have used ActionScript 3.0, no interactivity's just basic flash animation, even tried importing as an video, but does not help.


Laura France

I am having the exact same problem.  The files work outside of Powerpoint, just not inside of it.  I have started the project over 3 times and it's fine until I insert a .swf file.  My coworker has '09 and it works fine from there.

I have reinstalled Articulate and went through the repair process to no avail. 

Paul Barker

Hi Laura.  If this has just started happening in the last week then I would bet it is the Flash 19 bug that has been identified recently (https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-presenter/flash-player-19-0-0-185-causes-corruption-in-powerpoint-presentations)

Put simply, if you have Flash v19 and you open a ppt file with a swf in it and then save the file, it becomes currupt.

The answer is to remove Flash 19 and go back to 18.  Instructions are in the link, above.


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