Windows explorer DISPLAY PROBLEM

May 31, 2012

Hi all,

I have just discovered a very strange problem when I try to view a published Articulate file on one of the manager's PCs at work.

I have published an Articulate project as a web-based file in SWF format with a HTML page etc etc and placed it on the server for one of the managers here to look at.

When I view it on my machine (with Internet Explorer 9) it looks absolutely fine (see the image



When the manager has a look on her machine with Internet Explorer 8 it doesn't ALL show up!

This can be seen in screen_problem.png

Any ideas?

The IT guy had a go but without joy.

Thanks in advance.

3 Replies
Peter Anderson

OK, it might have to do with your manager's browser settings, then. Mind sending us the files so we can take a closer look and try to replicate? Please create an Articulate Presenter package, then upload the zip file to our server. You can review how to do this here: 


Send to Articulate Presenter Package – Articulate Presenter ’09 Help


Upload the resulting zip file from your computer to our server using this upload form: 


Articulate Support - Upload Your Files for Review 


Please be sure to include a description of your issue, your version of PowerPoint, version of Windows and version of Presenter '09, which you can find in Help and Support -> About Articulate Presenter. Please also include the URL for this thread so I can follow up with you personally in the forums. And feel free to come back and leave your case number here so I can keep a close eye on it. Thanks!

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