AS interaction playing slow/unresponsive in Chrome via Moodle

Mar 30, 2014

Hi all 

Hoping someone may have come across this and help me to troubleshoot! 

The interactions we created have no video or audio, and several lightboxes/slide jump triggers. 

It is hosted in Moodle LMS and the interaction plays fine in IE but seems to either freeze, or have unresponsive buttons (delayed response) in Chrome

Any ideas? 


4 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dani,

What Chrome version are you using? There is currently a known issue with the Pepper Flash Plugin within Google Chrome v. 33 that is causing a noticeable delay in viewing the content. Our team is looking into the fixes from our end, but in the meantime you can also use the regular Flash plugin as described here. 

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