Background Music Demo

Mar 24, 2015

I made a demo featuring background music that goes through the whole course (doesn't change from slide to slide). The user can chose from four songs to listen to and can adjust the volume, and the song continues playing through every slide and loops when it completes. I've also added instructions on how to make this work to the module.

I don't know whether someone else has already posted something like this (I couldn't find anything), but hey if so here's one more!



I've put together a second demo that shows a different way to do this. This second version performs the same actions as the first one, but without needing to edit the output files every time you publish! It saves a lot of headaches when you need to edit something in the course because now you don't have to drop the music files into the output folder and you dont have to edit the html file every time you publish!

Demo 2

I've also attached the second version .story file. Its called Background_Music_Version_2.story.

If anyone needs help getting either versions of this to work I'm more than happy to assist :)

203 Replies
Christie Pollick

Hi, Jessica -- Please see the following info on System Requirements to ensure that you are viewing content in a supported way. And also, please confirm that you are viewing the content in the intended environment (or where it will ultimately be accessed by your learners) to verify functionality. 

If you continue to have difficulties, please send your .story or source file over and we'll be happy to take a closer look. If you would prefer private review, here is the form you'd need to use. :)

Alexandria Laird

This information has be extremely helpful! I was able to add the background music to multiple courses. However, for one of my courses the music is way too loud and is blocking out the other media within the course. Is there a way to reduce the volume of the background music so it automatically plays softer, without having to add a volume control? 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Alexandria,

Are you able to adjust the volume prior to inserting into Storyline? You can also adjust audio you've inserted into Storyline as described here:

Click Audio Volume to change the relative volume of your audio track, then choose one of the following levels:

  • Low: Lowers the volume to 50% of the original.
  • Medium: Sets the volume at 100%, meaning there's no change to the original volume. This is the default option.
  • High: Raises the volume to 150% of the original.
  • Mute: Silences the selected audio track.
Anik Neogi

Hi Jackson, I just have one mp3 file that I would like to play in a loop starting from a certain slide. Here are some screenshots of what I did.

But, when publishing to Moodle, I am getting this error.

I tried testing it on Articulate Tempshare, but also got an error.

Obviously, I am doing something wrong somewhere, so any help from you or other members who have had success using this approach will be greatly appreciated.

I also have another question. What should I do if I want the audio to stop playing after a certain slide? Is there another JS command I could use. In essence, it's a small file so I need it to loop on a number of slides but I would like it to stop once a particular slide is reached.

Many thanks in advance.


Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Anik,

I can't speak to the Moodle error, but when uploading to Tempshare you'll need to have publish for web. If you'd like to try the content in another LMS environment you could look at using SCORM Cloud which is an industry standard for testing LMS content. You could take a look at the article here for some directions on how to test this out. 

I'll defer to the community in regards to the additional JS set up as it's not something that staff can offer support for.