Cannot publish to word

Feb 22, 2023

When I try to publish to word, it says it is successful. When I try to "view document" I receive an error message. If I try top click on "open" nothing happens. I emailed it to myself, the email has a zip file attached, when I try to extract the zip file, it says the file is empty.


Please help!!!!

Pinned Reply
Kelly Auner

Hi everyone!

I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 74, we've included important fixes and new features.

One of the fixes we've included is:

Storyline 360 could crash when adding conditions to triggers or publishing to Word.

Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

Please let me know if you have questions!

7 Replies
Wendy Farmer

Hi David

a few things to check:

Are you working from your local drive? I've seen instances where it doesn't work if you are trying to publish from a network or external drive.

File name limit is 260 characters - and it doesn't like special characters.

Do you have a carriage return in your course title you can get this problem. Just re-add it without the carriage return and it should publish fine! 

If none of these apply to you, do you want to share your SL file and I'm happy to try and publish or you can log a support ticket with Articulate

Amber Hays


Having same issue trying to publish to Word. Oddly enough, one of my six files DID publish but there is no rhyme or reason why it worked ... and the other five continue to fail. Just tried again (3 days after original attempt) and the one file will publish but the other five still fail. Moved to desktop, file size is average within the set of six, same with length of file name.  Comparable in content and all other aspects.  Strange that I am having success with one.

Michael Marcos

Hi Amber, thanks for writing in! In cases similar to this, the title may look ok in the Title field, with no visible line spacing. These carriage breaks are invisible, but there's a quick and easy way to test it out. 

Try the following steps.

  1. In the Publish dialogue, set your mouse focus on in the Title tab by clicking anywhere in the title field.
  2. Do a CTRL+A, this will make sure everything is highlighted.
  3. Open up Notepad and do a CTRL+V.
  4. If your title has carriage returns, it should break up your title into different lines.

This can happen when copy-pasting text into the Title field which copies the carriage return in if there is any in the source text.  

To fix, simply remove the line breaks so your title shows as one continuous line of text and replace the existing title in SL360. Or just type the Title in manually. 

We have found a way to prevent this from happening in the next update.

If this doesn't resolve your issue let us know through a support case where you can upload your file privately and we'll check under the hood to see what's going on.

Michael Marcos

Hi Rob, I saw that our support folks tried reaching out to you last week. I just wanted to check in to see if you've found a solution on your own. If not, I'll ask support to reach out again, please check your spam or filtering rules to see if the original email ended up there. 

All the best,


Kelly Auner

Hi everyone!

I have some great news to share. We just released another update for Storyline 360. In Update 74, we've included important fixes and new features.

One of the fixes we've included is:

Storyline 360 could crash when adding conditions to triggers or publishing to Word.

Launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer to take advantage of this update, and click the Update button next to Storyline 360. You'll find our step-by-step instructions here.

Please let me know if you have questions!