Change state of menu-items in scene 1

Nov 09, 2022

I am working with 11 scenes in total, of which scene 1 is the menu-page. I need to add a green tick once one has visited another scene. So when a user clicks on the first menu-item in scene 1, it jumps to scene 2. After finishing scene 2, the user goes back to scene 1, the menu. The menu-item should contain a green tick, so the user can see exactly which items are visited and finished. 

Can someone help me with this?


2 Replies
Walt Hamilton


Create a T/F variable for each scene. On the last page of each scene create a trigger to set the variable to True. Be sure to place the trigger BEFORE the trigger to jump to the menu slide.

Set variable Item2 = T when user clicks [object to return to menu]

Jump to menu slide when user clicks [object to return to menu]

On the menu slide, place these triggers (one for each menu item):

Change menu item 2 to Completed when timeline starts on this slide if variable Item2 = T

For each menu item, edit the states duplicate the Normal state, creating a new state named Complete. Paste or create the tick on Completed state.

There is a sample that illustrates how here: 

It uses slides, not scenes, but the principles are there. You may want either the mixed or restricted version.