Change var with a selection

Jul 22, 2016

Hi there !

First, I must apologize if my English isn't that good, it's not my first language :)

I have an issue with changing a variable when a radio button is selected and user press a confirmation button. What I want to do, is to compile data and to show all the choices the user made in the course at the end of it. 

What I did looked like : 

- Create var_choice which is a text variable.

- Trigger1 : *Ajust a variable *var_choice *=affection *value *Choice1 *when user click *Go button *condition *if radio button 1 *operator ==egal *selected.

Once again, I must apologize if some terms do not match, I use the french version of Storyline.

Thanks for your help !


5 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi David,

I'll also include this discussion in the report filed with our team so that we can update you here once there is any additional information to share. I unfortunately don't have a timeframe to offer, so in the meantime using the workarounds and ideas mentioned in the discussion linked above our the recommendations from our team. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

I wanted to provide an update here, as Storyline 2 Update 11 was just released, and included a number of fixes which you can see in the release notes available here. The item you all may be particularly interested in is how it fixed an issue where:

  • Fixed issue where the default behavior for built-in states wouldn't always work when the Storyline interface was localized in Chinese, French, German, or Spanish

You can download the latest update here, and after downloading and installing the latest update you’ll want to republish any existing content to ensure that the updates and fixes are applied.

Let us know if you have any questions, either here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

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