Closed Captions flash bug

Sep 07, 2017


I started using the closed captions feature of Storyline 360 yesterday. I like the tool and it works well. However, I did find a bug. The closed captions in the flash output doesn't support an apostrophe. The html5 output works. I have attached a couple of pictures.

27 Replies
Alyssa Gomez

I'm really glad you brought this up, Russell, as I don't see that this has been reported by anyone else. I did a quick test, and I'm seeing the same thing you're seeing. I'll get it reported to my team so we can begin looking at next steps. 

Thanks again for letting us know what's going on, and I'm sorry if it's been a headache for you!

Cyntia Paré

Hi there!

We are working on a french course that we have to deliver today and we just noticed that all special caracters (ie : ç, é, è, etc) doesn't come up properly in the closed captions.

The HTML5 output does work, but it doesn't work properly once in Flash. It is really important that the course also works in Flash, because the text (on the slide) doesn't appear correctly (all replaced by Times!) in Internet Explorer at our client location (all computers are setup the same way).

We tried copy/pasting the text in Notepad before pasting it in the Clsoed Caption tool, but still no luck.

Anyone can help us?!! It's a major issue for us and really not a good suprise this morning.

We are trying to figure it out on our hand, be we are running out of time.

Thanks a lot!

Alyssa Gomez

Hi Cynthia, thanks for chiming in, and I'm really sorry this is causing you frustration. We're seeing a problem in Storyline 360 where some special characters don't appear correctly in the Flash output. Our team is looking into this, and you're in the right place to stay updated on this bug's progress. 

Cyntia Paré

Hi Alyssa!

Is there any progress on this issue? Should we expect an update soon or not? As it is, we cannot use the Closed Caption tool embedded in Storyline at all and have to do it all by hand in Notepad... And frankly, that is not a task we had planned.

Please keep us posted.

thank you!

Rachel Cannon

Hi Alyssa,

Just chiming in here, letting you know that I'm also experiencing this problem with apostrophes not appearing correctly in the captions in Flash. Unfortunately, I have to publish the course in Flash with HTML5 fallback because certain users cannot view the video otherwise in IE. Hope there will be an update soon.

Emilio Jeffries


We've got a huge project coming through that is very far along in its progress. We've utilized the caption feature in 360 (which is amazing!) It saved us so much time until it didn't. 

We're going through the same situation. We need to publish in Flash with HTM5 fallback because of our user base. This project is not particularly small and would take a lot of extra time out of the budget to go through and add individualized captions. For now we are keeping the file without captions on until I can republish with the fix.

Hoping that this patch is making it's way sooner than later. 



Leslie McKerchie

Hello everyone - Yes, we are aware of the impact and this bug has been prioritized to reflect this. I wanted to share some information on how we define bugs and how we tackle them when they occur.

Any user using HTML5 output should not see this error.

Hopefully we will have an update to share here soon.

Thanks for your patience.

Leslie McKerchie

Hey everyone :)

Great news! We just released another update for Articulate 360, and included a few important fixes and new features that you'll see in the release notes here

The Storyline 360 item you'll be interested in is how:

Special characters, such as accented letters and apostrophes, weren't displaying correctly in closed captions in Flash output.

Just launch the Articulate 360 desktop app on your computer and click the Update button for each application. Details here.

Please let us know if you have any questions, either right here or by reaching out to our Support Engineers directly.

Anna Elvnejd


Are there any updates concerning Storyline 3 and the special characters? I really enjoyed using the easy editor you've provided but I was sad to discover the lack of coding special characters in the flash output. 

Are there any workarounds? Should I use html-codes (e.g. å instead of å)?

Joyce Hensen

Good morning.  I just used closed captioning for the first time.  I installed SL3 last week, so I know it's the most current version. I was excited to show off this new feature, but I'd rather not do it with captions that do not match the spoken word (plus it will "sound" stilted to the reader).

Do you know when the next release will be published?  This course is accessed only from an LMS, not from any mobile device. The published format is "Flash with HTML5 fallback and AMP" according to the properties.  I'm thinking that I'll have to wait to use this feature until then. 
Very disappointed! :(

Alyssa Gomez

Hi there Joyce and Jy,

I’m really sorry that I don't have an ETA on the next release of Storyline 3 just yet. We're careful about testing new updates to make sure we don't put other features at risk, and I don't want to commit to a date before we have a fix finalized. You're in the right place, and we’ll share as much as we can, as soon as we can!

Pamela Love

I see your comment a month ago about updates, but I am having the same issues with trademarks as well. But also, there are random times when I used an apostrophe in words such as it's and other words. Sometimes it shows correctly and other times it does not.

I am also seeing an issue with deleting audio, going in and adjusting the captions and the closed caption still shows (very quickly) when you preview and publish. I had to clear my cache and it worked to not show after publishing, but still shows in preview. I am thinking I needed to edit the closed caption first, then the audio is that correct? I even tried deleting all closed captions for that slide and added them back in and the one I did not want, still shows as noted above.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Dinky,

Is this on new content you've published with Update 4? If you're still running into the odd behavior, can you share a link to your published course where it's hosted on your server or LMS and a copy of the .story file?

Also, please let me know what browser you're using to view the course.

Parichaya Kanungo

Hello All,

I am using closed caption in one of the courses and have published the output in video format. It works and syncs fine with the audio when I do a preview, but when the file is published as video output, the closed caption starts flickering. Could you please let me know the fix?

I have automated the appearance of the closed caption by turning on the closed caption variable to true when the slide timeline begins. So, the closed caption appears on its own when the video is played using any video player.

Please help me with the fix. The video needs to be out by Monday next week.

Katie Riggio

I'm very sorry you've come across this problem, Parichaya.

Our team is looking into an issue where closed captions blink when the trigger to show them automatically is enabled. Closed captions won't appear in the Publish to Video output, so I can understand why you're trying to use that trigger! 

While we look into a fix for that, we're also tracking a feature request to include closed captions in the MP4 output. I'll add your experience to both reports so we can keep you updated with any changes!

I hope this reaches you in time before your deadline: We're happy to have a closer look at your course to see what approaches we can offer. If you're able to share the .story file, please use this private upload link