Dark mode for Storyline 360

Aug 26, 2019

Hi there

Just wondering if there is a way now (or will be...) in SL360 settings to have the build tool adjustable to a dark grey background and tool bars like in the MS Office suite and Adobe CC programs. I jump from those with a nice dark grey to Storyline 360 and it's bright white window is a bit of a jolt on the eyes...



132 Replies
Tomas Campomanes

For me this is not a preference, it actually hurts my eyes to stare at this program all day. It's become a necessity to turn all my programs to dark mode, and download dark mode for my browser. This is the only program I have to regularly use that requires I stare at large amounts of white.

It I would substantially improve my ability to work and change how much discomfort I am in each day if this feature were added. Please and thank you.

Glenn Reagon

I'd like to add my name to this request to add a dark mode feature to Storyline, please.  Both a full dark mode (black) and a dark grey mode. 

Agreeing with the posters above that it can be hard on the eyes to look at a bright screen all day when designing courses, especially those of us with larger screens.

Jeff Rands

Another vote here for dark mode! And surely it meets your criteria (from How we manage feature requests):

We consider the value this potential new feature would offer to our customers. We ask ourselves:

  • Will this feature meaningfully improve the experience of working with our software?
  • Will it benefit a majority of users?

If we feel like the answer is “yes!”, we bring the request to our product development team.