"Exit Animations" triggered by timeline

Aug 08, 2014

Is there a way to prevent a layer from hiding at the end of it's own timeline when using "Exit Animations"? When a user clicks on a button, a layer animates on. I want the layer to hide when the user clicks another button. But if I use exit animations, the layer will hide at the end of the 5 second timeline.

This is a design flaw. The slide should not hide based on the timeline unless the builder wanted it to happen that way!

Anyone know of a workaround to this other than just not using exit animations?

40 Replies
Csilla Varga

I can see it's an older thread, but what I also tend to use is to pasue timeline right before the exit animations start (by using a cue point) and then resuming timeline with a trigger (with a hotspot, for instance). So, after resuming, the layer continues til its end then hides itself. It works for me quite well :) 

Donna Westwood

I am having the same issue but the other way round... I have a hidden text box on a layer - that I would like to fade in by paragraph on the click of a button.... If it has no animations on it - it appears with the button trigger -  but if I add the fade in by paragraph option, it  just appears at the beginning of the timeline of the object / layer - with out the user clicking the button :( is this normal - or do I have a bug/glitch I need to look at?? Thanks!!

Donna Westwood

sure - I've made a mock up and submitted a case as well...

There is a base layer that takes you to a layer - on this are 3 hidden objects - a text box, a shape and a picture, all three are set to appear on the click of a button.....but basically - the entrance animation overrides the hidden state of the text box, and if I put the text in a shape, it appears on click - but without the by paragraph part,  however the picture works great.... What is going on?? :)

John DePauw

I'm not sure that this solution works for every situation, but if you do not have time dependencies, you can set a trigger to pause the timeline at the end so the exit animations never trigger.  For example your slide timeline is 5 seconds long. Trigger pauses timeline of the slide when timeline reaches 4 seconds. Since there is no trigger to resume the timeline, the end is never reached and the objects stay.

Stuart Gilbert

Hi (to whomever might be reading this) - I can see this is an old post but the title is similar to what I need, so I thought I'd add my question and hope for the best. I am using Storyline 360.

I am simply trying to delay an exit animation for an object. I want the object to display from the beginning of the slide and then a few seconds later to shrink and exit. I would like to trigger the exit animation on either a cue point or a time on the timeline.

How do I add a trigger to a simple (non-motion path) animation?

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks very much.

Stuart Gilbert