Export Rise File and Import in StoryLine

May 26, 2017

Hi there. I am currently facing an issue with content being published in Rise as Scorm 1.2 which is not displaying properly in my LMS when using IE. However content published in StoryLine as Scorm 1.2 works fine.

Is it possible to export content from Rise and import into StoryLine that I can then publish as Scorm 1.2?

Any thoughts will be much appreciated.

Kind regards, Angelo.

26 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hello Carine and welcome to E-Learning Heroes. 😊

Thank you for reaching out and sharing what you are seeing. Can you share a bit more about what I'm seeing in the video?

  • How did you add your Rise 360 content into Storyline 360?
  • Are you seeing the issue during preview or once published?
  • How are you publishing and sharing the content?
  • Are you seeing an issue in all browsers or a specific one?

With your permission, I'd like you to share your project file with our support engineers to investigate what's happening. You can share it privately by uploading it here. It will be deleted when troubleshooting is complete.