Export to Powerpoint from Storyline

Nov 30, 2012

Hi guys,

I have a Storyline project that I would like to be able to edit in Powerpoint - is there a way that is possible?  I know going Powerpoint to Storyline is fine, but what about the other way?

I have tried copying and pasting slides, tried copying all elements on a slide and pasting... but no luck!

Really need help PLEASE!

168 Replies
Jake Turner

Purists aside. Everyone would be happy if you could simple export each slide to jpegs. Something powerpoint has done for years now. I've run into a scenario where I have this need but I'm taking screen shots. Time consuming, not idea, but I have 63 modules to produce off last years content in two weeks. Products need versatility, sometimes done is better than perfect. 

Brett Sodikoff

I just take screenshots and cut and paste them into Powerpoint. I know this does not allow editing, but for the project I'm working on, this simple transition suffices for displaying the content to a group (if they ask for edits, then I'll edit in SL2 and create a new screenshot to put into Powerpoint).

Christine Coughlin

Another option for accessing some of the files is to make a backup of your .story file first (as this is not a supported feature), then on your backup copy change the .story file name to .zip and then extract the zip file.  Inside the "story" folder you will find the "media" folder that has small .jpg images of your slides, along with other assets such as video and audio files.  The jpgs are small, but better than nothing.  :)  Some further discussion can be found out this link:  https://community.articulate.com/discussions/articulate-storyline/export-a-list-of-assets-used-within-the-storyline-file.  I think I read Tom Kuhlmann talk about this years ago in one of his blog posts but I can't find it.

Meri Vangelas

I can see why the training team would want this in PowerPoint, but it seems the best way in the future is to create the storyboards in PowerPoint, have the content approved and then move it over.  This was mentioned earlier, and I agree it's the only thing you can do.  I have used SL for classroom training too and that isn't a problem.  The problem starts when many people in the organization want to take the content and use it with what they are used to.  

Fernando Quintero

Hi Ashley,

Thank you for your prompt reply. I have a linear Storyline I finished yesterday. I will be the one presenting it and walking the group through it. Thus, only the presentation, as if it were a Power Point deck is what is needed, aside form being requested by other executives in that format.

So this, I need to convert it into Power Point. Could you please help me out?

Fernando Quintero

Hi Steve,

Thank you for the help. That might be something I could use for now. I am pretty new at this. I just got the Software, and just finished my first Storyline project.

I think I just figured how to set the slide advance to manual. However, the 'next' and 'prev' buttons still show up.

Also, how do I project the slides form my computer?   I am guessing the way to do it is by 'publishing' the project. Does that mean I publish it to my computer, or does it get published somewhere else?

My apologies for the basic questions, but I am a newbie and just discovering the potentials of the software.

Fernando Quintero

Thank you everyone for your help. I guess due to my lack of knowledge about Storyline I ended up having to re-make the presentation in Power Point as it was needed for today.

Hopefully next time I'll learn more from everyone and put my knew knowledge to work.

Have a great weekend everyone!!

Meghan Clark

Hello! I am tuning in now it seems like 3 years late. I am also looking for an option to export storyline to PPT for the same reason all of the above mentioned and mostly because my SME's want to have this in PPT format for in person discussions or presentations. Has there been an export to PPT feature added in the last 3 years or did I totally miss this train?

Katie Riggio

Welcome, Meghan! No such thing as too late ☺️

While there isn't a built-in option to export Storyline content into Powerpoint at this time, I've shared your insights with our team, as we're always looking for ways we can make Storyline even better.

I hope the tips shared in this discussion help, and we're here if you need anything else!