Exporting Translation - Storyline crashes everytime

Aug 28, 2019

Hi, everytime I try to export a Storyline course (any course, not just one specific LO) to an XLF file for translation, I get an error screen as shown here. 

Error Report screenshot

After I close it, I see the 'Export Translation' pop-up, but nothing else happens even if I let it be for 20 minutes or more. I have to force Storyline to close to be able to to use it again. 

I've uninstalled and reinstalled Storyline but it makes no difference. This has become as huge painpoint as I own approximately 20 lessons for 6 languages, and I can't keep asking my colleagues to export the XLF file everytime I send out for translation. 

29 Replies
Katie Riggio

Hi there, Kevan. Very sorry you're running into this.

I see your support case is escalated to the right team for further troubleshooting, so you should be hearing from them shortly.

We'll do what we can to help you figure out what's happening, and I'll follow the case to share any relevant insight here as well!

Kevan Stranges

They never fixed it for me.   They wanted me to setup a screen share/etc. but that would involve IT here as I don't have administration rights.   For the record, I was added as an administrator and the same issue happened. 

Also, the XLF file still exports even though it crashes.  It's just really annoying to have to end the task and restart Articulate to jump back in.   I haven't had any problems with the outputted XLF file either.  

Kind of one of the things that has upset me about Articulate over the days, in which there isn't many.  Several people have this issue, I don't want to be the guinea pig - I just want it solved.

Lauren Connelly

Hi Kevan!

I see that Joshua, one of our Senior Support Engineers, reached out to you about this issue! If you don't have administrative rights, we can still dig deeper into this issue. It might require a phone call with your IT department, which I know Joshua would gladly partake in.

We are happy to find an alternative solution if you don't have permission to screenshare. I'd recommend continuing the conversation with Joshua in the support case. I'll also let him know that you're still experiencing an issue with exporting XLF files and need further help. I'll follow the case to see how it progresses.

Martijn van Eeten

Hi, I have exactly the same problem: Storyline 360 (trial version) crashes when trying to export an XLIFF file for translation. 

In my case, I import a PowerPoint with slide notes, then I convert the notes to text-to-speech with CC to each of the slides. That's all... 

I have created a tiny test example which already triggers the crash, see attachments.


PS the "workaround" about (un)checking the column option must be about the Word export, not the XLIFF export.

Katie Riggio

Hi there, folks. I'm sorry to hear of this trouble and would love to help troubleshoot!

 ✎ First, our team recommends these pro-tips:

  • Be sure to work on a local C: drive and start with a simple Storyline repair; here are the steps.
  • If the crash keeps happening after, make sure that the installed Microsoft Word/Office version is within the system requirement. To see the supported versions for Storyline 360, click here.
  • Then, reinstall Word/Office and try a repair of .NET. For the steps, check out this Microsoft article.

Afaq for Leadership Development and Patricia: Could I have you both try the tips above to see if they help? If they don't, would you be willing to share an affected .story file with our Support Engineers so we can determine the next best steps?

Martijn: Thanks for sharing your files for a closer look. I'm having some trouble recreating the crash when exporting to XLIFF (version 1.2). I attached the .xlf file below. 

Could I have you also run through the tips I outlined above to see if that helps? Also, what happens when you try to export to Word?

Laura Bell

Hi there. I am also having the same issue. I can export to .doc, but when I try .xliff it crashes. I followed your advice above, but still not having success.

What should we do next?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-16"?>
<ErrorReport xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">
<Message>No application is associated with the specified file for this operation</Message>
<StackTrace> at bool System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEx(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at bool System.Diagnostics.Process.Start()
at Process System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
at void ab1+a.c(abn A_0)
at void abo+a.e(object A_0, RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs A_1)
at void Articulate.ComponentModel.STABackgroundWorker.OnAfterAllWorkCompleted(RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs e)
at void Articulate.ComponentModel.STABackgroundWorker.c(object A_0)</StackTrace>

Lauren Connelly

Hi Laura!

I'm happy to help! In the coding, I see an error No application is associated with the specified file for this operation. 

These questions will help me begin troubleshooting:

  • Which version of Storyline are you using?
  • Where are you exporting it to? Specifically, which folder or area on your computer?

I'll standby so we can make sure we have a fix!

Martijn van Eeten

Hi Katie,

Here's another example causing the crash, this time generated from scratch from Storyline 360,
so there's no PowerPoint involved. Also there's no text-to-speech or Closed Captions, just two slides with Slide notes. The .story file resides on C:\TEMP\Storyline , and I use all the defaults when trying to export to XLIFF. There is an XLF file generated (as always) but the program crashes so how can I be sure that it is complete? Don't want to send this for an expensive translation and then find out that it was corrupt... see attached file.

Leslie McKerchie

Thank you for the additional information, Martjin.

I'm unable to replicate any crashing when exporting to XLIFF. The file was created from your course as expected.

Do you know what version of Storyline you're using?

You can check by going to:
Help > About Articulate Storyline

We are currently on Build 3.38.21861.0 of Storyline 360. You can read all of the details here. Updating to the latest version will also repair your software installation.

If you are on the latest version, I'd recommend manually repairing your software installation to be sure it's in good working order.

How to Repair Articulate Storyline 360

Martijn van Eeten

Sorry, but I am done testing. You have an 8 month old (!) thread with people reporting crashes.
I installed your software as a trial recently, and let it update a few days ago when it requested me to do so. So the installation is fresh and up-to-date - exactly the number you mention.

In my book this just means you test your software insufficiently, and I am not going to do that for you for free.

For my trial evaluation it means that it cannot be used reliably for translations and that you do not take bugs very seriously.

Glen Young

Hello, I was also crashing when exporting as XLIFF 2.0. I may have discovered the reason for it.

My OS did not associate XLF files with a program to open them. After associating XLF with Sublime text editor, Storyline no longer crashed. Instead, after the export it would now open the XLF in Sublime.

To fix: Double click the XLF file and select Notepad or some other program as the default method for opening those files.

Hong Phuong LE


I got the same problem recently, this solution helped me. Everything works fine since, hope this help you too :


I did this :

1. Saisissez Activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalités Windows dans le champ de recherche de votre barre des tâches. (Si le champ de recherche n'est pas visible, cliquez avec le bouton droit de la souris sur le bouton Démarrer, puis sélectionnez Rechercher.)

2. Cliquez sur Activer ou désactiver des fonctionnalités Windows dans les résultats de recherche.

3. Cochez la case Microsoft .NET Framework 4.7 Advanced Services si ce n’est pas déjà fait, puis cliquez sur OK.

Have a nice day !

Bethany Daniels

I am having the same issues as the rest of the posters. I try to export my file and I get the same error report that locks up Storyline 360 to the point I have to open Task Manager to close it.

I can confirm that after keyword searching for my .xlf document in Explorer, right-clicking, and setting it to always open in Notepad, the file opens and there is content, but have no way of knowing if everything is there since the Storyline app locks up rather than telling me the process is complete.

I can export a Word document without the program crashing.