Flash Player 23 and Later in Google Chrome - Local Playback of Published Content

Sep 13, 2016

Hi all, 

Our team recently discovered an issue with Google Chrome and Flash player 23 (and later) that is causing some issues with the local playback of published Storyline and Studio content. This is a new security feature of Flash player 23, and if you attempt to launch content locally you may see just a spinning circle or Flash player notification.

Our recommendation at Articulate is to always test the content in the intended publish environment by uploading to your web server, LMS, Articulate Online, etc. You can see a few options detailed here for locations to test your content. 

If you need to view e-learning projects on your local computer, your best option is to publish for CD, then double-click the launch file in your published output.

Another option for local playback is to add one or more trusted locations to your local Flash Player settings. For example, you could add folders where you commonly publish content, such as your desktop or the My Articulate Projects folder in your documents.

Please feel free to let us know if you have any questions about this! 

146 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Linda,

Thanks for following back up here. What happens now when you try to play the local published output within Chrome? Do you still see the spinning circle or it just didn't load? Did you look at the video shared to change the settings as mentioned or perhaps the article that Byron shared below? 

S. Yu

I noticed it has to be the exact folder that your published files are living in for the Trusted Locations addition to work (for example, .../My Articulate Projects/Name of Your SL2 Published Files Folder).

Adding just the My Articulate Projects folder will not work unless your published files are in that level (for example, .../My Articulate Projects/story.html). 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi S. Yu,

The same is not true on my end - I tested it based on your answer here, and I only add C:\Users\Ashley\Documents\My Articulate Projects to the trusted location and all the different files and folders associated below that level of the folder played in Chrome locally. 

If you're still having difficulty with this set up we'd want to have you work directly with our Support Engineers so that we could take a look at the exact structure and set up of your course and where things are located as part of the publish process. 

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Gabriele

If you're working on a Mac you'll still want to ensure that the published files are located within the Windows environment as detailed here.   If you're viewing the published output locally - did you move it from the Windows side to the Mac side or are you still viewing it within the Windows side? If you need to view the published output  locally on a Mac, add the folder where the course is located to your local Flash Player Security Settings as described in that link.  You'll want to ensure you copy paste the path, vs browsing for it, as you  may have seen above here that teh browse button does not work. 

Gabriele Dovis (italgo)

Hi I have no issues on the Win side, where I am able to spot the folder path.

This seems to be not the same simple on the mac side.

I have to run courses locally from my mac hard drive or from an external pen drive (something I've done everyday in the past). To do that, I need to understand how to pick the folder path on a Mac machine

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Gabriele,

I'm able to get to that same page on the Mac side while in Chrome. Where are the files you're pointing too? Did you move them off the Windows side and copy the published output to somewhere on your Mac side? What publishing method have you used? I know the publish to CD output launches from an executable (*.exe) file. Since executable files aren't compatible with Mac computers, your content won't automatically launch.

You can manually launch CD-published content on a Mac by double-clicking the story.html, presentation.html, quiz.html, or interaction.html file in your published output (depending on the authoring app you used to create the content). However, the same local security restrictions mentioned here may prevent your published output from working properly.

Al Anderson

Sue (above) said,

"Unfortunately, because of company security rules, we are required to create and publish content on the network drive. That being said, when we’ve had the occasional issue with publishing on the network, we’ve published locally and then copied to the network. In addition, the courses I’m referring to are not new courses – in other words, they’ve been on the network for months, and I’ve never had a problem trying to view them."

This is my problem.  We utilize the network drive to store the published courses.  It has been working fine up until a week ago. Now half of the people in the building are unable to view the courses.  They get the spinning wheel.  For some people, they are able to drag the entire published folder to their desktop and then it works.  For others, it doesn't work at all. Any ideas?


Leslie McKerchie

Hi Al! 

When you say you are uploading to a network server, does this mean that you are uploading to a web server and sharing a URL with your learners as explained here

If you send learners a link to the story.html file for viewing, they should not be encountering an error.

If you are not utilizing a web server, you should probably publish for CD and have the users download as explained here.

I do not know of a way to update the trusted locations of all your users, but perhaps your IT Team could assist with that.


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