Getting State to change back to normal after Hover

Mar 30, 2016

Hi guys

Hoping someone has a suggestion for me :)

I am creating a "Tool Board" with multiple items on, and am using the Hover state to highlight the tools as they are hovered on.  I am also using a trigger to dim the other items on the board when one item is hovered on.  My problem is that once they are dimmed I cannot get them back to Normal state to make them properly visible again.  I added a trigger to change them back to Normal when the item hovered over has a Normal state again, but it seems like the state doesn't actually change back to Normal once you are no longer hovering over it.


I tried adding a custom trigger for the Hover by using the "mouse hovered over" option and selecting the "restore on mouse leave" option, but I am still unable to get the items to become visible again.  Can anyone make any suggestions, please?  This is going to be a huge project, and I really need to get this working properly!


Thanks in advance!


9 Replies
Marcia Kitshoff

Hi Wendy

Attached is the Story file.  As you will see, I have tried to get the states of the objects to change back to Normal after they had a Hover trigger activated.  From some of the other forum posts, it looks like the "Restore on Mouse Leave" option is causing some issues for other users as well, but maybe I am missing something really obvious. :)

Thanks for the reply!

Marcia Kitshoff

Hi Wendy

That's exactly what I wanted, thanks!  I was hoping that I wouldn't need to individually add a state for each dimming effect since I will eventually probably have 20 - 30 tools on the board, and that means the triggers are going to take forever, but it looks like I won't have much choice.

If the "Restore on Mouse Leave" changed the state back to Normal it would have allowed me to set up a single trigger for all the items on the the board. I am sure this is just a bug that will hopefully be addressed with one of the next updates.

Thank you so much for taking the time to rejig these, really do appreciate the help! :)

Joanne Chen

Hi Marcia, Wendy did a great job for triggers. But if there will be 20-30 tools, let's take 20 for example, you will need 20*20 triggers for changing states. Here is another way to do it, please see the attached file. In this way you only need to deal with 40 triggers for the same amount of tools. 

Joanne Chen

Hi Marcia, Wendy did a great job for triggers. But if there will be 20-30 tools, let's take 20 for example, you will need 20*20 triggers for changing states. Here is another way to do it, please see the attached file. In this way you only need to deal with 40 triggers for the same amount of tools. 

Marcia Kitshoff

Joanne, thank you so much!  

This is definitely a much simpler way with WAAAAAAAY less triggers!  Using the background picture with a hover trigger is great, because I can use it for every tool I subsequently add to the board as well. 

I believe you may have just saved me a huge amount of work! :)


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