Google Chrome

Sep 19, 2016

Hi Heroes,

I'm using Articulate Storyline 2 and Google Chrome. Since yesterday I can not start any local published course. I have deleted Google Chrome and reinstalled, nothing changed.

The courses are still working with the IE.

The courses are also running with Google Chrome via the Web.

I'm using Win7

Any  suggestions for me?
Thanks for your help!



7 Replies
Leinad Velasco

Sure, the thing is with Google Chrome. 
I work my file with swf and html. when i run the course in google chrome and using wire internet the course stop running some videos and actions but if i play it with google chrome and wifi it runs correct.

I read that the thing is with the swf, when i have the computer conected to de wire, storyline shows the swf course but if i use wifi chrome thinks that is a device and play the course like html.

The thing here is that i have some computers that can´t work wireless, so i need to make storyline to play just the html, not the swf that is the one not working.


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