Hidden button

Feb 02, 2024

Dear Storyline Experts,

I am not yet an expert in building with Storyline and therefore have a question. I have a layer that has four items on it that an employee can go to. Each component links through to another layer. On the layer where the components are located I have placed a hidden button that should become visible when one has visited all four layers. I hope someone can help me with this. Thanks in advance!

3 Replies
Judy Nollet

There are various ways to set the "when..." in a trigger to change the state of a Hidden button to Normal.

  • If the component-link buttons have a Visited state, the trigger could run when the State of all of those buttons = Visited. 
  • Note: The Visited state has built-in functionality. If an object has a Normal state and a Visited state, it will automatically change to the Visited state when it is clicked. No trigger is needed to do that.
  • Another option is to use T/F variables to track what's been viewed. For the change-button-to-Normal trigger, include conditions that check the value of those variables. 

For more information...

Steven Benassi

Hi Marlies!

Glad to see Judy has been helping you!

I noticed that you've also opened a support case and connected with my colleague Robert. Great move! It looks like Robert replied to your e-mail with a revised version of your .story file.

If you run into any setbacks, feel free to follow up with Robert through your case!

Walt Hamilton


There is a sample that does what you are asking at this discussion:


The Restricted version won’t allow the learner to advance until all layers (actually the sample uses different slides, but the principles are the same) have been visited in order. The free navigation allows the learner to visit the layers in any order, and advance at any time. The mixed version allows viewing the content in any order, but requires it all be visited before advancing.