How to fully disable responsive player?

Jan 17, 2017


the course I am building works well on any desktop browser but not on any mobile device, where the 'responsive player' is triggered instead of the standard player. How could I disable the responsive player so that it would use the standard player on all devices?

Thanks in advance!

87 Replies
Carol Widstrand

Hi Alyssa,

If this is doable, please explain more as I looked at your link but could not turn off "responsive player".  Are you saying to deselect menu, resources, notes, etc.?  

I am very interested in a solution for Storyline 3 that will publish effectively for PC and iPad (like Storyline 2 is currently doing.)


Alyssa Gomez

Carol and Bill,

It sounds like you are interested in using the light gray classic player (that you currently see on desktop) on mobile devices, is that correct?

As Simon mentioned earlier in this thread, we're not bringing the current desktop player to mobile devices. That player isn't optimized for mobile viewing and isn't a good experience for users on a tablet or a mobile device. 

That's why we created the responsive player--it's fully optimized for mobile viewing and adapts seamlessly to any screen size. 

In Storyline 3, you have the option to remove the responsive player completely. You can do this by turning off all player features before publishing. Keep in mind this will also remove the light gray classic player from your desktop version, as well. 

Kyle Main

Someone said that the classic player is not a good experience on the iPad.   It was a good experience with Storyline 2.  It was presented to Sheryl Sandberg this way and it won the bid out of 12 other bids.  Seems that it's not awful if Facebook's 2nd in line person was impressed.  This used to be the only option in 2015 before the modern player came out.  I don't' think Articulate was ever saying it was bad. I would bet that looking back, it was promoted as a good experience since it was working on Mobile.  I locked the player to a landscape view only.

Is this functionality gone?  I have not been in this post for a long time, so I'm wanting to chime in since Totrain developer may be wanting to do the same thing as the person that originally wrote in this post.

Carol Widstrand


Yes, it is still a good experience when publishing out in SL2. All our modules need to play on the iPad and the player interface is just fine (slides notes, resources, menu, etc.) in Chrome/Safari.

However, testing with SL3 (standalone, not 360) it displaying the player interface as 'responsive', and therefore it is very different. E.g. Slide Notes are very large and do not display well, plus the other items noted in various threads (back/forward arrows, etc).

Since Storyline 2 cannot be purchase anymore, we are now looking at how to use SL3 effectively going forward for our modules updates/creation.

Ben McKenna

What are the planned features with the new unified player? Will we be able to toggle mask animations such as wipes and shape reveals for mobile devices too? We have some animations within our SL2 courses that intentionally used these effects, but once converted to SL3 they switched to fades on mobile. I know this was probably intentional to make the responsive player more optimized for mobile devices, but I know for a fact that some mobile devices CAN still render these types of animations.

It'd be great to at least have the option to enable these animations WHILE keeping the responsive mobile player. In some cases the visual fidelity of the animations are more important to us than performance.

Louise Smith

Hi Alyssa,

I'm wanting to fully disable the responsive player when using an iPad. Looking through the thread if Ii'm correct this feature is only available in Storyline 3 and not 360?

A few weeks ago on one of our e-learning academies the courses were loading without the responsive player. Now users are being forced to download the Articulate mobile app, the courses we are using have not been republished so I'm wondering why this has suddenly changed?

Crystal Horn

Hi Totrain!  If you're publishing with Storyline 3 or 360, learners will always see the responsive player on their mobile devices, unless you've included the Articulate Mobile Player (AMP) in the publishing options.

The responsive player presents the best user experience on mobile devices because it gets player features out of the way and makes your slide content front and center.  You might choose to include the AMP, however, if you need to offer offline access to your course.  If included when publishing, learners will see the AMP on Android devices (tablets and phones) and iPads.

Can you share a link to the e-learning course that wasn't using the responsive player?  I can have a look and confirm what version of Storyline was used to create it!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Daniela, 

No update yet - although it's close!

We have done some additional fixes and refinement based on testing done during the beta so that has pushed the timing back a bit. As soon as it's ready I promise we'll let you know - our team is just as excited as you are! Everything I've seen so far looks really cool. 😀

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Cheryl,

It looks like your course may also be sitting inside a frame on your LMS - with those additional buttons on the side. That could be causing the issues in landscape mode.

In portrait mode, that looks as I'd expect for the responsive player used in Storyline. Again, since it's still inside the frame of your site it doesn't go full screen as you'd want or hope - but those top black bars you'd see in portrait mode as well since it won't stretch to fit the entire top to bottom length. 

Take a look at our responsive player FAQs here for some more info.

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