How to insert Engage 13 into Storyline

Feb 11, 2014

Hello Friends,

I'm attempting to insert an Engage 13 published file into a Storyline project.  I followed the instructions here:  However, the instructions do not match what I see with the published Engage files, specifically with the file name to change in step 2 from engage.html to index.html.  The article was written for a previous version of Engage, so it's possible that the steps should be updated for the current version.

Does anyone have any insight into how to insert Engage 13 interactions into Storyline or how to insert an Engage 13 interaction into another Engage 13 interaction?  Thanks in advance for any info!

Thank you,


12 Replies
Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Matthew,

I just wanted to welcome you to Heroes, and Michael is correct you'll need to test the published course within the intended environment to fully test all the web objects. If you're in need of some testing sites, you could use one of the options included in this article: 

  • Tempshare: This is a free service provided by Articulate for testing Storyline content. Note: Uploaded files will be deleted after 10 days.
  • Amazon S3: Amazon S3 offers free hosting with generous usage limits. If you go over your limit, you'll be charged a graduated fee.
  • Dropbox: Place your published output in the Public folder in your Dropbox account to share it with others.
  • Google Drive: Change the story.html file to index.html, and set the sharing permissions to PublicHere's how.

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