Hyperlink is changing to another hyperlink when more than one is in a text box

Jan 10, 2018


I have a text box with a couple of hyperlinks in it. When I insert the URL for one hyperlink it work fine. When I then insert the URL for the second hyperlink, it also changes the first hyperlink. What am I doing wrong? I am using Articulate Storyline 2.

Many thanks

11 Replies
Dr Dowzer

Hi Deepak,

Many thanks for your help with this. The problem is that the trigger is linked to the text box rather than the specific words within the text box so when I create a hyperlink it is changing both links. I'm not sure how to just use specific text by highlighting and inserting a hyperlink other than creating a hotspot over each text? The problem lies on the brain layer.


Many thanks for any advice you can offer!

Much appreciated :)

Janet Place

Hello, I am having the same problem today. I have tried creating the hyperlinks in both ways, and neither is working. Even when I highlight the text the hyperlink is applied to all of the text. I am creating a very large interactive timeline, so it is critical that the links work correctly. I have not had this problem until today.

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