IE11 Scorm courses not starting in LMS

Aug 06, 2018

We have lately published two new courses. We deploy the course through our LMS, and are now experiencing both courses not starting in the portal of the LMS. The portal runs in IE11.

Thanks for your assistance

9 Replies
Katie Riggio

Thanks for sharing your output with us, Carole! I uploaded the package to SCORM Cloud–an industry-standard tool for testing SCORM output–where I was able to launch the slide in IE11. Here's a Peek of what I saw and here's the link to the output.

Could you give my output link a try and let me know what happens? I'll be here!

Carole Milani

We have tried both versions, flash with fallback to html5 and html5 with fallback to flash. The result is the same. We can play the content as long as it is outside of our LMS, however as soon as the course is in the portal (SAP) it comes up blank.

Out IT team is working in parallel to us here to try and find a solution.

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