In a text box can I trigger a single word in a paragraph and trigger that one word to play an audio file or a tooltip?

Jan 02, 2024

In a text box can I trigger a single word in a paragraph and trigger that one word to play an audio file or a tooltip?
Sorry for a newbie question. I'm coming over from another eLearning tool which can't do that and I need to be able to trigger from single words (audio pronunciations and tooltips) in order to teach a foreign language I'm trying to develop an elearning app for.  Thanks for the help.  

5 Replies
Joanne Chen

If you only use SL, it will. (Not sure if it still will when importing into Rise.) But I think Phil's suggestion is even better. You can use the hyperlink and change the font format to be the same as the paragraph; that way, they won't affect the reading experience. When users hover over the hyperlink word, it will change to hyperlink format as a hover state.