iOS 14 autoplay bug

Oct 12, 2020

Hello Articulate devs and community,

I want to make sure you are all aware of an issue that has begun plaguing our courses. Ever since iOS 14 was released a few weeks ago, our courses have once again failed to Autoplay. As the below article suggests, there was an update for Storyline that allowed these courses to work in Safari 11 in the past and I am wondering if the devs have plans for help fix this game-breaking bug?

Would love suggestions from the community on possible workflow fixes or an update from the devs on how they are working on a solution.


1 Reply
Katie Riggio

Hi Ros,

Thank you for writing in and raising this concern. I'm happy to jump in!

First, are you viewing these courses in Review 360? I ask because we have an open issue in Storyline 360 Update 44, where videos won't autoplay in Review 360 output when viewed on iOS devices.

If that doesn't match your scenario, could you share one of the .story files with us for testing? You can use this private case link. We're eager to find the cause!

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