Last item dropped disappears on submit/jump to next slide

Feb 06, 2018

I have a course with a couple of drag and drop interactions. They work well, but in both cases, the last item dropped disappears when the user moves to the next slide. It doesn't matter which item is dropped last, or where it is dropped, it disappears completely (not just behind the drop zone). If I go back to the slide, however, the item is in its proper dropped location. Any thoughts on what might be causing this? A scrubbed file is attached.

44 Replies
JC Goyette
Alyssa Gomez

Hey JC, 

No news yet, but thanks for checking in. As soon as this bug is fixed in Storyline 3, we'll let you know! 

I hope that the update will come soon, because a lot of our projects have unfortunately been published with that glitch or have to be on hold due to it. This is getting a little concerning knowing that it takes 4 months to correct this issue, not to mention the resources needed to fix these problems.

Wesley Adams

So looking more into this I found that it may be related to the shuffle answers feature in the Design tab of the Drag and Drop activity. This visual error happens when I complete the activity and click the continue button to transition to the next slide. It becomes more apparent the longer it takes to load the next slide. (Hence why I have a 30MB video in slide 2.)

I am using SL360 v3.19.16600.0 and still have this issue. However, when I do NOT shuffle, the issue does not seem to occur. 

Please see SL project file attached.

Leslie McKerchie

Hey Wesley,

Thanks for reaching out to share what you are seeing along with a project file that we could take a look at.

This is an issue we are aware of and has been reported to our team:

HTML5: First drag item dropped in a Drag and Drop interaction disappears when moving to the next slide if answers are shuffled

Workaround being to set the Shuffle to None as you have shared above and in your file.

I'll attach this conversation to the report so that we can share an update with you here when we can. 

Miriam de Jonge

so it got resolved in 360?  I'm having this problem in 360 files too...was thrilled to find this post and know I'm not going crazy.  My 360 is fully up-to-date.  Should opening the previously built file and saving/republishing again 'update' it?  Because I've done that too, but still getting the disappearing item.

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi Miriam,

We still have an issue open where the first drag item dropped in a Drag and Drop interaction disappears when moving to the next slide if answers are shuffled. Does that match what you're seeing? If so, we'll update this discussion once we have more details.

If you're seeing something else, it would help to take a look at your file and narrow it down. Can you share a copy of the .story project here or send along to our Support Team here? We'll delete the file from our computers when done troubleshooting. 

Miriam de Jonge

thanks Ashley -I'm not sure if it's first or last, I just know that regularly a dropped item goes missing when I hit next.  If that's still a known issue I'll assume that's what's effecting me, and let your support team know if it's otherwise in the next few days.  Thanks for the fast reply!

Katie Riggio

Hello, folks. Circling back to share that we just released update 6 for Storyline 3 - check out all the enhanced features and fixes here!

One of the fixes addresses the issue where the last drag item in a drag-and-drop interaction would disappear after completing the interaction in the HTML5 output. 

Click here to download the latest Storyline 3 update. Let us know what you think!

Ashley Terwilliger-Pollard

Hi all,

Thanks for your patience while our team tied up loose ends on the fix for the issue where a first drag item in a drag-and-drop interaction could disappear when answer choices were shuffled. Update 26 of Storyline 360 is live today and resolves this issue. Follow the steps here to update your Storyline 360 app! 

Katie Riggio

Hello, Sameer. Happy to help!

Can I confirm whether you're using Storyline 360 or Storyline 3? Also, could you share the update you're currently using?

Update 30 for Storyline 360 and Update 6 for Storyline 3 are the latest ones that hold fixes for the disappearing drag-and-drop interaction issues.

Let us know if you see something different or if you're still hitting a snag on either of those latest updates. Our Support team is ready to jump in to help investigate!

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