Multiple Fill in the Blank with Multiple Correct Answers

Sep 18, 2015

I used a Freeform Pick One to create a fill in the blank with 2 blanks. I based it on Jeanette's screener ( However, I want to make a modification and I cannot get it to work how I want it to. For one of the blanks I want to allow people to spell it with OR without a hyphen. Every time I add an "OR" to my Change State variable, it messes up and thinks every answer combination is incorrect. Any help would be greatly appreciated! I attached the file. Thanks!

5 Replies
Leslie McKerchie

Hi Mary Kate!

Thank you for sharing your file with me. Similar triggers can be confusing to work with. I split the two correct scenarios into different triggers, so no OR was required. In addition, I essentially removed the incorrect trigger because it cannot be right one time and wrong another, so I set it to be Incorrect, if Correct simply wasn't selected.

Take a look at your file. I hope this helps you on your way.

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