NEW IN STORYLINE 360: Slide Numbers

May 07, 2019

We’re excited to share a powerful new feature in Storyline 360: slide numbers.

Now you can add slide numbers to your Storyline 360 project to show learners their progress through a course. Storyline 360 will automatically calculate how far learners have left in your course. And you can quickly exclude slides if you don’t want them counted toward the total.

Here’s how slide numbers work:


112 Replies
Lisa Spirko

Hi Ren,

Thank you for looking at the file and offering a suggestion. This worked! What a peculiar, unintuitive way to get it to work, though. Since I'm not using the menu, I would've never known to select Show Slide Draw Contents in order to fix a problem with slide numbering during review. I'm grateful for the instructions! Thank you so much!


Katie Riggio

Uh oh, Julie. Sorry you're hitting a snag with this feature!

First, let's see if these Storyline 360 repair steps help resolve that error.

Fingers crossed and if the message is still there after those steps, please let our Support team know. They'll do everything they can to ensure you're up and running!

Serko Srabonian

Thanks for the link to the article @Wendy Farmer! 

But does anyone know how/if I can have 2 different counts running at the same time. I'd like to offer users a "slide x of x" and also "question x of x". 

In other words I'd like to display two different sets of slide number text: slides and quiz questions.

Thanks very much!
